I can’t remember the last time I read a book written in first person present tense. In my opinion, that’s gotta be one of the hardest perspectives to write from, but one of the most rewarding if you can do it well. And Jac Jemc does it well.
The Grip of It tells the story of a young married couple that’s just moved into a new house at the edge of the woods to get a fresh start. Husband has a gambling problem and they needed a fresh start.
A smart, weird, spooky tale that will haunt you long after you finish it. The people in this book feel strikingly real, so much so that I’m tempted to google Julie and James that live in a house with a wraparound porch, hidden between the lake and the woods.

“Not Real. Not Real Not Real…”
That’s what I had to keep whispering to myself after I managed to finish The Grip of It in one sitting. It’s a smart, fresh, spooky tale that will haunt you long after you finish the last pages. The characters in this book feel so strikingly real, so much so that I was tempted to google Julie and James that live in a house with a wraparound porch, hidden between the lake and the woods.
But I stopped myself…Jac Jemc’s ability to write inside of this genre without making it tacky and stereotypical of psychological thrillers/horror should be applauded.
It’s a rare moment in time when Literary Fiction and Horror marry, bringing brilliant prose and spine-chilling terrors together into a seamless marriage. It’s an unconventional story of a couple trying to make life work. When you love each other, shouldn’t trust be enough? Even with the unknowns of a haunted house making your life a living hell? The Grip Of It answers these questions, even when Jack and Julies’ life is crumbling beneath them.
What an incredible adventure reading this book in one sitting it was! I couldn’t put it down, and consider myself blessed to find a book that speaks to me in such an effective and unique way, not too mention it gave me the major creeps. *shivers
The Grip of It is more than just a ghost story…it’s real.
Author: Jac Jemc
Publisher: FSG Originals
Pub Date: August 1, 2017
Rating: 5/5